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Free Voice Writing Webinars

  • Friday, June 09, 2023
  • Zoom


Registration is closed

Colorado Court Reporters Presents:

An Afternoon with Tori Pittman,


Free webinars offered in two 60-minute sessions:

Session A for Attorneys/Legal Professionals (1:30 p.m.)

Who is this Voice Writer in my Courtroom?

This session is a one-hour presentation which will introduce stakeholders to the practice of realtime voice writing – the technology, the skills needed, the certification standards and ethical requirements. A Q&A period will be included and a Bridge Mobile session can be made available.

Session B for Court Reporters (3:00 p.m.)

How Realtime Voice Writing Works in the CAT World

This is a one-hour session in which machine stenographers can discover how voice writers use their CAT system tied with their speech engine (Dragon) to create realtime output in a similar manner as a steno writer. Exploration of the dictionaries, macros, and brief forms will further elucidate how a voice writer creates a transcript in much the same way as a steno writer does. A Q&A period will be included and a Bridge Mobile session can be made available.

The Zoom link will be sent to all registrants one day prior to the event.

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